
Study Life in all its forms

Biologists study the life forms all around us. As a major in our program you'll be able to work with just about any life form — from humans and animals to plants and parasites.

Our biology program at JCSU will ensure that you graduate with the hands-on experience and knowledge necessary for a successful career within the medical or scientific community.

What will I study as a biology major?

At JCSU, you’ll have the unique opportunity to customize your major. After the Freshman year, your advisor will help you match your courses to your career goals. Our students have the ability to customize their studies to prepare them for:

  • Medical school
  • Dental school
  • Nursing school
  • Veterinary school
  • Physical or occupational therapy careers
  • Environmental and ecological studies
  • Work in bioinformatics, forensic science or biotechnology

All biology majors will take core courses in biology, chemistry, math and physics. From there, you can choose classes in topics ranging from zoology and botany to human anatomy and bioinformatics.

Where will I study biology?

New Science Center
New Science Center

Our state-of-the-art facility, opened in 2015, includes lab facilities for cell biology, genetics, anatomy and physiology, zoology, ecology, and other fields.

Laborotory photo with microscopes in foreground and taxidermies birds in background
Parasitology Research Laboratory

Students and faculty use the molecular biology equipment, centrifuges and inverted and bright field microscopes (which are equipped with digital cameras) to conduct research on parasites.

What will I learn outside the biology program?

JCSU is a private liberal arts university. What this means to you is that your education will broadly cover all areas of study. The diversity of your classes will help you look at “the big picture” in any career you choose.

  • Classes incomputer scienceandcommunicationartswill give you a definite advantage in the job market and workplace.
  • Taking severalEnglishandforeign language classeswill help you interact with a global community that is becoming more connected every day.
  • By takingmathandhistory classes, you’ll have a better understanding of the world around you.
  • Healthandphysical educationcourses give you the knowledge to cope with everyday stress and lead a better, longer life.

Having a college education will give you the tools to succeed in life. Having a liberal arts education will give you the opportunity to take your success further.

At JCSU, our biology program is tailored to fit your needs and career goals.Once you chose your concentration in the program, we'll match youwith an expert faculty member who has relevant experience in the field you want to enter.

We prepare you for success beyond the classroom.

Because our campus is small enough for you to develop a one-on-one relationship with your professors, they’ll be better equipped to help you understand your course material and succeed in the classroom.

And unlike larger institutions, our students have more opportunities to participate in research projects and paid internships. You’ll be able to gain valuable lab and workplace experience before you even graduate.

You’ll also be able to tailor our biology program to fit your future career goals, and you’ll have the right background to enter fields like:

  • Dentistry
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Pharmacology

Research opportunities you won’t find anywhere else.

Paid summer research is also a major draw for our students and will help your resume stand out to future employers.

  • Nearly 60% of our recent biology graduates presented papers at professional scientific conferences while they were still students at JCSU.
  • Several of our students have had the opportunity to participate in the.An eight-week research program held at the University of Virginia, our students were able to work with faculty, graduate and other undergrad students to explore research topics in chemistry, astronomy and more.
  • JCSU professor Dr. Alexa Von Dohlen has employed several biology majors to assist with her research grants. Over the summers, our students have worked with her to examine the spread of parasitic diseases in dogs and raptors.
  • JCSU professor Dr. Philip Otienoburu works with students in a variety of areas including mosquito control, food security and sustainable agriculture.
  • Dr. Sunil Gupta has had an NSF grant for the past 10 years that encourages and pays students to do research in addition to helping them matriculate into graduate and professional schools.
  • A National Science Foundation grant with Appalachian State University has employed many of our students to study the structure of forest communities in North Carolina.

Personalized attention gives you the tools to succeed.

The Biology degree program is designed to be flexible. You’ll work with your advisor to design a course of study that meets your needs and helps you attain your career and education goals.

    Get involved in on-campus activities and organizations.

    On-campus organizations are the best way for you to get to know your professors outside the classroom setting.

    The Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society and the Society for Opportunities in the Sciences (SOS) both provide our students with professional development, as well as opportunities for socializing and community service.

    Your path to a successful career begins the minute you step on campus.

    Careers and Advanced Degrees:

    Our grads have found careers at:

    • U.S. States Department of Energy Argonne National Laboratory
    • UNC-Chapel Hill
    • CVS Pharmacy
    • Environmental Protection Agency

    Graduates of our program have continued their education at:

    • Ohio State University
    • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    • Purdue University
    • Auburn University
    • Vanderbilt University
    • University of Alabama at Birmingham